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terms and conditions

Terms of Service



1 Scope


The following terms and conditions apply exclusively to all contracts arising from the online shop at between




Schmidt-Rottluff-Weg 18

22767 Hamburg


Registered at the District Court of Hamburg, HRA 127866, VAT ID DE348828744



Managing Director: Senem Sebastiampillai



and the customer.



Customers of these General Terms and Conditions are both consumers and entrepreneurs. The consumer is a natural person who concludes a legal transaction for a specific purpose. The natural person cannot be assigned to either commercial or self-employed professional activity. The entrepreneur is the natural or legal person or a partnership who, when concluding a legal transaction, acts in the exercise of their commercial or self-employed professional activity.  



2 Offer and conclusion of contract


The purchase contract is concluded with WOU eK. The presentation of the products on does not represent a legally binding offer, but a non-binding online catalogue. By clicking the order button at the end of the ordering process, a binding order for the goods in the shopping cart is submitted. You will receive the e-mail confirmation immediately after the receipt of the order. This e-mail is only a confirmation of receipt and does not represent acceptance of your purchase offer. The contract is not yet concluded through the confirmation of receipt. The time at which the contract with WOU eK comes about depends on the payment method you have selected.


We only accept orders placed through our online shop.



3 Right of withdrawal / cancellation policy


The consumer is entitled to a right of cancellation according to §355 BGB. As a customer, you therefore have the right to revoke your contractual declaration in accordance with the following cancellation policy:


Right of cancellation


You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason.


The cancellation period is 14 days from the day on which you or a third party named by you who is not the carrier took possession of the goods.


In order to exercise your right of withdrawal, you must send us (WOU eK, Schmidt-Rottluff-Weg 18, 22767 Hamburg, email , Tel. +49 (0)17647018081) a clear statement (e.g. a sent letter or e-mail) about your decision to withdraw from this contract. You can use the attached sample revocation form for this, but this is not mandatory.


To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send the communication regarding your exercise of the right of cancellation before the cancellation period has expired.



Consequences of revocation


If you withdraw from this contract, we will have paid you all payments that we have received from you, including delivery costs (except for the additional costs resulting from the fact that you have chosen a different type of delivery than the cheap standard delivery offered by us have), immediately and at the latest within 14 days from the day on which we received the notification of your cancellation of this contract. For this repayment, we use the same means of payment that you used in the original transaction, unless something else was expressly agreed with you; under no circumstances will you be charged fees for this repayment.


We may refuse repayment until we have received the goods back or until you have provided proof that you have returned the goods, whichever is earlier.


You must return or hand over the goods to us immediately and in any event no later than 14 days from the day on which you inform us of the cancellation of this contract. The deadline is met if you send back the goods before the period of 14 days has expired. You bear the direct costs of returning the goods. If the goods cannot be returned by normal post due to their nature, the costs are estimated at a maximum of around EUR 10.00.


You are only liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.


We only accept unworn and unused merchandise with all tags still attached.


Attachment: Sample withdrawal form


according to Annex 2 to Art. 246a § 1 Paragraph 2 S. 1 No. 1 and § 2 Paragraph 2 EGBGB


(If you want to revoke the contract, please fill out this form and send it back.)




Schmidt-Rottluff-Weg 18

22767 Hamburg




I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*) for the purchase of the following goods (*)/the provision of the following service (*)



  • Ordered on (*) /received on (*)

  • Name of consumer(s):

  • Date:

  • Signature of consumer(s):

  • (only if notification is on paper)

  • (*) Delete where not applicable






Please inform us about your return via the e-mail address given in the cancellation policy. This makes it easier for WOU eK to allocate the shipment.



General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of WOU eK (as of: Nov 2021)


The following conditions apply to all orders placed through the website . The terms and conditions valid at the time of the order apply.




4 Prices, delivery and shipping costs


  1. All our prices on www. babys-little-friends .com contain euro amounts and include the statutory value added tax valid at the time of the order.

  2. Shipping and packaging costs are added according to the current price list. This can be viewed on the "Delivery & Shipping Costs" page. If an order is made in several deliveries, WOU eK only calculates the shipping costs once.

  3. In the case of cross-border delivery, additional taxes (e.g. in the case of an intra-Community acquisition) and/or duties (e.g. customs duties) may have to be paid by the customer in individual cases. We do not assume any costs that arise directly or indirectly as a result of importing into a non-EU country (import sales tax, customs, etc.).



5 payment


  1. Payment for the order must be made within 14 days of receipt of the order confirmation. WOU eK reserves the right to cancel the reservation of the ordered items after a further written deadline of 14 days for orders without a registered receipt of payment. Bank transfers from abroad may incur bank charges, which are to be borne by the customer.

   2. WOU eK excludes liability for loss.




6 Damage in transit


If the items delivered are obviously damaged in transit, please complain to the deliverer immediately and contact us immediately. The omission of a complaint or contact has no consequences for your legal claims and their enforcement, in particular your warranty rights. However, they help us to be able to assert our own claims against the carrier or the transport insurance.




7 Terms of Delivery


We only deliver by mail. It is not possible to collect the goods yourself. Shipping is via DHL. The risk of accidental loss of the ordered goods passes to the customer as soon as the goods are handed over to him (§ 446 S. 1 BGB) or if he is in default of acceptance (§ 300 Para. 2 BGB).




8 Warranty


When purchasing goods, you are entitled to statutory warranty rights for the goods. There is no warranty for damage caused by improper handling or use of the goods by the customer. The same applies to a so-called intentional wear.


Customer service: You can contact our customer service for questions, complaints and complaints by e-mail at



9 Retention of Title


All delivered goods remain the property of WOU eK until full payment has been made.



10 Electronic Communications


You agree that the contract-related communication takes place in electronic form.


11 image rights

All rights of use of image material on are owned by WOU eK or our partners. The use of the image material, in whatever form, is not permitted unless WOU eK has given its express consent.



12 Contract language/storage of the contract text


The contract language is German. The text of the contract is not saved by us and can no longer be called up after the order process has been completed. However, you can print out your order data immediately after sending the order.



13 Alternative Dispute Resolution


We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute settlement procedures before a consumer arbitration board.


14 Final Provisions


Place of performance and place of jurisdiction in business transactions with companies and legal entities is the place of business of WOU eK. The same applies if the customer as an entrepreneur does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or if his domicile or habitual abode is not known at the time the action is filed. The authority to appeal to the court at another legal place of jurisdiction remains unaffected. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to this contract, excluding the UN sales law and international private law.



15 Severability Clause


Should individual provisions of the contract, including these regulations, be or become invalid in whole or in part, or should the contract contain an unforeseen gap, the validity of the remaining provisions or parts of such provisions shall remain unaffected. Instead of the invalid or missing provisions, the respective statutory regulations apply.

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